Rejuvenation Harrington Pocket Door Set, Passage, Aged Brass

Sale price$150.00


The modern design of our beautifully crafted Harrington Pocket Door Set adds style and function to any pocket door.
  • Length (side to side): 2.56"
  • Width (front to back): 0.36"
  • Height: 7.87"


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We currently ship to Canada as well. Customers can determine where they sell and who they sell to. All shipping Channels/costs are determined by the Seller - however, those costs must be explained in the sales description before the order is placed.

In Amazon, there is one shipping option but they use different shipping services. Mostly Amazon Prime trucks now or UPS. Currently, we are set up for UPS and USPS. We do use FEDX. All shipping cost and shipping vehicles are determined by the seller - BuyDiverse does not charge or participate in money collected from shipping. The explanation of shipping should be explained on your order page.

A customer would contact the seller first. If nothing is resolved, they could contact

Our shipping is automatically calculated, however; because it is summer time, we add additional $5 to each order because we ship with coolers and ice-packs during the summer. Summer shipping costs are around $14 because of the additional cooler and ice-pack costs

All shipping cost is determined by the seller - BuyDiverse does not charge or participate in money collected from shipping. The explanation of shipping should be explained on your order page.

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We do not charge a monthly fee to sell on BuyDiverse. There is only a 12% only applies to the cost of goods or services. Many of our competitors start seller cost at 15% plus a monthly charge.

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